Monday, October 14, 2013

Wow a wonderful, hard-working class I have!!!!  Your students have been working extremely hard the last week to master long division, electricity, adjectives, and all of the objectives we've taught them!

Just a recap: In math, we have been working hard in our guided math groups on all of the objectives we needed to accomplish this first 9 weeks.  We've studied place value, adding and subtracting decimals, multiplication, long division with 2 and 3 digit divisors, and interpreting the remainder.  We have our first 9 weeks test this coming Friday.  Please make sure your scholar gets plenty of rest!  We will be working on the objectives they are weakest in in our small groups this week to make sure they are fully prepared!

In Social Studies, we studied why the explorers came to the New World, the growing tensions betweent the colonists and Britain and slavery in the United States.  Junior Achievement starts this week on Friday in social studies.

In science we have talked about matter, electrical circuits and will be finishing up reflections and refractions and bending light this week.

In ELAR, we are starting a new book this week in our book clubs, we've talked about inferencing, foreshadowing and will be comparing texts this week.  We explored the different parts of speech: verbs, types of nouns, and adjectives. We will be finishing up pronouns this week.

We are now officially in our 9 week assessment window and will be giving 9 week assessments in social studies, math, and science!

Thank you again for all of the supplies you have sent up via SignUp Genius.  Your support is much appreciated.

Don't forget the Scarecrow Festival is this weekend.  Come out and see our choir and trashcan band perform!

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