Friday, November 8, 2013

We've had a very busy week this week!!!  Thank you to all of the parents who came out to Open House and also all who supported our wonderful 5th graders at the BBQ dinner and bake sale fundraiser.  Movie Night on Thursday night was a fun night for all and I was pleased to see several members of my Huggins family out enjoying the cool weather, concessions and movie!  We have wrapped up parent conferences and my family had 100% participation.  Thank you so much for finding time in your busy schedules to sit down with me one on one to discuss your scholar's progress!  It was so nice to put names to faces and meet everyone again!

This has been a busy week and it isn't quite over!  Please come out to Huggins on Saturday from 1-5 and enjoy our annual Fall Carnival.  Thank you to FOH and the many parents who have volunteered their time to help make this year's carnival a rousing success!

School pictures are in so please check your scholar's HOWL folder!  Don't they look awesome????

Just a recap of this week:

Math: We are still working very hard on fractions, GCF (ask your scholars what this means :) ), and equivalent fractions.  We will continue to be reviewing and studying fractions for the next week.

Science: We studied weathering and erosion this week and even did a lab on sedimentary layers to see how sedimentary rock layers are formed (I promise you sent the cereal, cups and spoons up here for a reason!) using different types of cereals to represent the different types of sediments that make up the layers.  Next week we will be learning about how to use this information to study our Earth's past.

Social Studies: We have wrapped up talking about the events leading up to the Revolutionary War and the war itself.  We will now be learning about our constitution and how our government and country came to be.  We will be studying this in our History Alive book with Ch. 14 so please have your scholars practice by taking the assessment on the History Alive website we have been using. (link is on a sticker in their planners)

ELAR: We are still talking about inferencing (such a hard skill!) but are now moving into different genres with our inferencing practice.  Remind your scholars that they are to be reading for 30 minutes each night in order to meet their AR goal.  To practice inferencing at home, ask them questions about what they are reading at different points and ask them to use their text clues and schema to make an inference about their book!

Please don't forget about our Veteran's Day program on Thursday, Nov. 14th at 1:30 and 6:30.  They have been working extra hard on this fantastic program honoring the men and women who have bravely served our country!

Have a great weekend and hope to see y'all at the carnival!

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