Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Once again we had a fantastic week last week and accomplished A LOT of learning!

This week we are studying:

Math: We are finishing up decimals and diving into multiplication with two-digits.  We will be taking a spiral review on Friday.

Science: We have started our unit on Matter and finished up Scientific Tools. Quiz your students on the differences between the different states of matter, how density affects objects (Do they sink or float?), and please make sure to log in to the STEMscopes website at:


Several assignments have been assigned for homework and they are due by the end of the week.  The user name is first initial and last name (one word) and their password is "student". This website works best with Google Chrome.

Social Studies: We have finished up the geography refresher chapter in History Alive and are now in our Native American unit.  Please have your student visit the History Alive website at http://teachtci.tutorial.com (also use Google Chrome) to take the practice quizzes.  Student success on our quizzes is definitely impacted by the amount of time they spend taking the practice quizzes.

ELAR: We are studying "schema" and how to me thoughtful readers and to make connections in our reading.  Students should be reading 20 minutes every night in order to meet their AR goal for the nine weeks.

Don't forget:
Tonight is our Watchdogs kick-off at 6 pm for kids and dads! Come check out this wonderful program and enjoy some free pizza!

Thank you to everyone for coming out to our Parent Information Night last week!  Have a great week!

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