Monday, January 26, 2015

We had an awesome short week last week and were able to accomplish a lot even with the field trip to Foster High School for "Once Upon a Mattress".

Here is what we will be learning this week:

Math: We are still in our measurement unit and are studying area, perimeter and volume.  Please still review with your students how to do conversions with both metric and customary units of measurement. Khan Academy has several great videos to help practice these. We will have a spiral review on Friday.

Science: We are still working on our Biomes project presentations.  They are due on Wednesday and the students are hard at work on their posters.  I am impressed with the creativity I am seeing with each of them as they create their posters.  We won't be needing our MLDs this week as the research portion is finished and we are just working on transferring that information to the drawings.  The homework this week is on StemScopes: Food Webs and is due Friday.  The students MUST be working on StemScopes.

Social Studies: We are starting our unit on the Industrial Revolution and will be discussing this over the next few weeks. We will have an in-class project next week and the students will be creating a brochure on the inventions during this time period.  They can bring their MLDs next week.

ELAR: We will be starting our writing process this week on a persuasive writing piece.  We are working on several activities in reading to practice drawing conclusions, making inferences, and providing textual evidence to support our answers.

Have a great week!

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