Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The students have been working extra hard the last couple of weeks in our "STAARvivor" Camp to prep for the math and science STAAR tests.  They will do awesome!  They all worked extremely hard yesterday on math and I know that they will do just as well tomorrow on the science!

Thursday will be a regular day of learning and on Friday we will have a movie day while some of the 5th graders are on the choir field trip!  The students may bring G/PG movies to watch this day.

**Help our Huggins GOTR team raise money for LEAF and let your child have FUN wearing their favorite clothes for a WEEK. If you didn’t see last Friday’s E-Blast please  see below for more information on how this fundraiser will go back to LEAF. I have been fortunate to receive FABULOUS LEAF grants for materials that your students get to use daily. LEAF does AWESOME things for our kids!!!

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